2 Truths and 1 Lie Quiz VideoQuizHero – Quizzes to Answers


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Q 1. Think you can pick out the lie here?


Red is a color found in rainbows
Orange is a color found in rainbows
Brown is a color found in rainbows

Right Answer:
Brown is a color found in rainbows

Q 2. How much do you know about trees? See if you can choose the lie!


Firs are deciduous trees
Maples are deciduous trees
Oaks are deciduous trees

Right Answer:
Firs are deciduous trees

Q 3. Which statement below is a lie?


Lizards are reptiles
Frogs are reptiles
Turtles are reptiles

Right Answer:
Frogs are reptiles

Q 4. Portugal, Suriname and Germany are located in Europe…or are they? Which country isn’t? Type your answer below!

Type Answer

Right Answer:

Q 5. Think you know a thing or two about music? Which statement below is a lie?


“Don’t Start Now” is a song sung by Adele
“All I Ask” is a song sung by Adele
“Someone Like You” is a song sung by Adele

Right Answer:
“Don’t Start Now” is a song sung by Adele

Q 6. Let’s see if you can figure out this one! Which statement is a lie?


Lake Quebec makes up a part of the Great Lakes
Lake Superior makes up a part of the Great Lakes
Lake Ontario makes up a part of the Great Lakes
All of these lakes make up a part of the Great Lakes

Right Answer:
Lake Ontario makes up a part of the Great Lakes

Q 7. Primetime TV! Can you spot the lie?


Rainier Wolfcastle is a character that appears on The Simpsons
Edna Krabappel is a character that appears on The Simpsons
Üte Zörker is a character that appears on The Simpsons
All of these characters appear on the The Simpsons

Right Answer:
All of these characters appear on the The Simpsons

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