Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals Week 3 Quiz Answers


Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals complete course is currently being offered by Google Cloud through Coursera platform.

About this Course

Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud’s computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals for AWS Professionals Week 1 Quiz Answers - Coursera!

Google Compute Engine and Networking

Question 1) True or False: Google Cloud Load Balancing allows you to balance HTTP-based traffic across multiple Compute Engine regions.

Question 2) Which statement is true about Google VPC networks and subnets?

  •  Networks and subnets are global
  •  Networks are regional; subnets are zonal
  •  Networks are global; subnets are regional
  •  Networks are global; subnets are zonal

Question 3) An application running in a Compute Engine virtual machine needs high-performance scratch space. Which type of storage meets this need?

  • Local standard
  • SSD persistent
  • Standard persistent
  • Local SSD

Question 4) Choose an application that would be suitable for running in a Preemptible VM.

  •  A batch job that can be checkpointed and restarted
  •  A batch job that cannot be checkpointed and restarted
  •  An interactive website
  •  An online relational database

Question 5) How do Compute Engine customers choose between big VMs and many VMs?

  •  Use big VMs for fault tolerance and elasticity; use many VMs for in-memory databases and CPU-intensive analytics
  •  Use big VMs for in-memory databases and CPU-intensive analytics; use many VMs for fault tolerance and elasticity

Question 6) How do VPC routers and firewalls work?

  •  They are managed by Google as a built-in feature.
  •  Customers provision virtual machines and run their routers and firewalls in them.
  •  They are managed by Google in virtual machines, which customers may tune or turn off.
  •  They are managed by Google in virtual machines, which customers may never modify.

Question 7) A GCP customer wants to load-balance traffic among the back-end VMs that form part of a multi-tier application. Which load-balancing option should this customer choose?

  • The regional load balancer
  • The regional internal load balancer
  • The global HTTP(S) load balancer
  • The global SSL proxy
  • The global TCP proxy

Question 8) For which of these interconnect options is a Service Level Agreement available?

  • Carrier Peering
  • VPNs with Cloud Router


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