Introduction to Data Analytics for Business (Week 1 – 2) Quiz Answers


Introduction to Data Analytics for Business complete course is currently being offered by University of Colorado Boulder through Coursera platform and is being taught by David Torgerson.


– Data Model

– Data Quality

– Data Analysis


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Introduction to Data Analytics for Business (Week 1 - 2) Quiz Answers - Coursera!

Introduction to Data Analytics for Business Week 1 Quiz Answers – Coursera!

Q1) What statement below best describes why we do data analytics in business?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 1.

  • We need specific insights to make business decisions
  • Analytics improve our understanding of how the business works
  • We must show a return on the investment we make in data & analytical resources
  • We have to calculate & report financial results to owners / shareholders

Q2) What should you consider as you approach an analytical problem and in which order? Identify correct order for the following ideas / steps.

For example, if you think they are already in the correct order, correct answer would be ABCDEF.

  • A. Sourcing Data
  • B. Analysis Outputs
  • C. Execute Analysis
  • D. Analysis Methods
  • E. Define Decision
  • F. Data Needs

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 1.


  • A. Sourcing Data
  • B. Analysis Outputs
  • C. Execute Analysis
  • D. Analysis Methods
  • E. Define Decision
  • F. Data Needs


  • E. Define Decision
  • B. Analysis Outputs
  • D. Analysis Methods
  • A. Sourcing Data
  • F. Data Needs
  • C. Execute Analysis


  • B. Analysis Outputs
  • D. Analysis Methods
  • F. Data Needs
  • A. Sourcing Data
  • C. Execute Analysis
  • E. Define Decision


  • E. Define Decision
  • B. Analysis Outputs
  • D. Analysis Methods
  • F. Data Needs
  • A. Sourcing Data
  • C. Execute Analysis 

Q3) What diagram below best describes the relationship between a mobile wireless carrier account holder and devices at a point in time?

  • A – shows oval with account connected to oval with device by straight line
  • B – shows oval with account connected to oval with device by straight line – forked end on Account side
  • C – shows oval with account connected to oval with device by straight line – forked end on Device side
  • D – shows oval with account connected to oval with device by straight line – forked end on both sides

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 2.

Q4) For the next 5 questions that describe types of metrics, select a source that best describes where the following data might come from:

The average temperature of a turbine bearing over the last 8 hours

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 1.

  • Billing System
  • Machine Data System
  • Usage Tracking System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Ticketing / Workflow System

Q5) Select a source that best describes where the following data might come from:

The number of developers allocated to a company software project

  • Billing System
  • Usage Tracking System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Machine Data System
  • Ticketing / Workflow System

Q6) Select a source that best describes where the following data might come from:

    Household water consumption by month

    Billing System

  • Usage Tracking System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Machine Data System
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Ticketing / Workflow System

Q7) Select a source that best describes where the following data might come from:

The dollar amount of unpaid invoices at the end of a month

  • Billing System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Machine Data System
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Usage Tracking System
  • Ticketing / Workflow System

Q8) Select a source that best describes where the following data might come from:

The average age of customers in Madison, Wisconsin

  • Billing System
  • Usage Tracking System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Machine Data System
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Ticketing / Workflow System

Q9) Why is it important for data analysts to understand the value-chain (process) associated with information and the analytical process?

Refer to the following videos for a refresher: videos 3 and 4

What do you think?

  • Ans: The more you understand about the way the business works and how information flows through business systems, the better prepared you will be to both execute and interpret your analysis .Also, the more skill you have in finding and accessing data, the more productive and valuable you will be as an analyst!

Q10) Identify correct order of steps in the Information-Action Value Chain.

Refer to the following videos for a refresher: videos 3 and 4.


  • A. Develop Strategy & Plan
  • B. Deliver the Pitch
  • C. Events & Characteristics in the Real World
  • D. Take Action
  • E. Data Capture by Source Systems
  • F. Data Extraction
  • G. Data Storage
  • H. Analytical Methods
  • I. Summarize & Interpret Results


  • C. Events & Characteristics in the Real World
  • E. Data Capture by Source Systems
  • F. Data Extraction
  • G. Data Storage
  • H. Analytical Methods
  • I. Summarize & Interpret Results
  • A. Develop Strategy & Plan
  • B. Deliver the Pitch
  • D. Take Action


  • C. Events & Characteristics in the Real World
  • E. Data Capture by Source Systems
  • G. Data Storage
  • F. Data Extraction
  • H. Analytical Methods
  • I. Summarize & Interpret Results
  • B. Deliver the Pitch
  • A. Develop Strategy & Plan
  • D. Take Action


  • C. Events & Characteristics in the Real World
  • E. Data Capture by Source Systems
  • G. Data Storage
  • F. Data Extraction
  • H. Analytical Methods
  • I. Summarize & Interpret Results
  • A. Develop Strategy & Plan
  • B. Deliver the Pitch
  • D. Take Action

Q11) Why do we bring data together into a common location (select all that apply)?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 3.

  • We can establish relationships among data sources
  • It’s more convenient for extraction to have data in one place
  • Sometimes we can’t access source systems directly
  • Source data may be unstructured or not formatted for analysis

Q12) What type of analytics would you use to determine the best way to route delivery trucks to minimize miles driven or gasoline consumed?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 4.

  • Descriptive
  • Predictive
  • Prescriptive
  • Transitive
  • Cognitive

Introduction to Data Analytics for Business Week 2 Quiz Answers – Coursera!

Q1) What type of file normally stores two dimensional data with column and row breaks, identified using special characters?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 1.

  • XML File
  • Log File
  • Delimited Text File
  • Excel File

Q2) What term best describes data storage that is optimized for handling front-end business operations?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 1.

  • Online Analytical Processing ( OLAP )
  • Document Store
  • Online Transactional Processing ( OLTP )
  • Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS )

Q3) Suppose you are a software developer looking for an online environment to help you rapidly build and scale applications. Which of the following services would best accommodate your needs?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 2.

  • Software as a Service ( SaaS )
  • Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS )
  • Development as a Service ( DaaS )
  • Platform as a Service ( PaaS )

Q4) Which of the following statements about Cloud computing are true? (select all that apply)

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 2.

  • Cloud computing is more secure than a company’s data center
  • Cloud computing is needed for handling Big Data
  • Cloud computing can allow cheaper and more scalable operations
  • Cloud computing outsources all of a company’s data operations
  • Cloud computing speaks to where data is stored or manipulated

Q5) Suppose your objective is to build a predictive model that can be used to recommend products to customers in real-time based on their navigation on your web site. Which of these technologies would be most critical in helping you achieve this objective?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 3.

  • Hadoop Distributed File System ( HDFS )
  • In-Database Analytics
  • In-Memory Computing
  • Data Federation
  • Data Virtualization

Q6) Suppose you are a data analyst working on a project to show why sales in a particular region are down relative to other regions. Your job is to figure out what’s going on, find a good way to show the data, and produce a report that can be automated to go out weekly to track progress on any actions that are taken. You anticipate that only descriptive analytics will be needed for this project, and you’re working from a data set that has been prepared by your partners in IT.

Which of the following classes of tools are you most likely to use directly in this project? (select all that apply)

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 5.

  • Standard reporting
  • Data visualization & exploration
  • Database systems
  • Dashboarding
  • Statistical modeling

Q7) Suppose you’re a data analyst and you’re traveling to a conference. There’s a straightforward but critical ad-hoc analysis you need to accomplish, but you’re not certain how much internet connectivity you’ll have during your trip. You also haven’t decided which of your desktop tools you’ll use in the analysis.

Which of the following process methodologies would work best for your situation?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 6.

  • Downstream Integration Approach
  • Intermediate File Approach
  • Direct Connection Approach

Q8) For the following 9 questions, consider the set of relational database tables below, illustrated using the shorthand we introduced in the module.

For simplicity, assume that a phone number is a permanent attribute of the subscriber and that subscribers on both the “to” and “from” sides of calls are included in the database.

What kind of key best describes the primary key of the PLANS table ?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 4.

  • Natural
  • Surrogate
  • Composite

Q9) Which table, if any, has a Composite Primary Key?


Q10) Select all the fields which COULD have foreign key relationships in THIS model:

  • Device_SN
  • Device_Type
  • Phone_Number
  • From_Number
  • End_Time
  • Plan_ID
  • Model
  • Manufacturer
  • To_Number

Q11) In the next 6 questions, define the relationship between the tables.

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 4.


  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship


  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship


  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship


  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship


  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship


Introduction to Data Analytics for Business (Week 1 - 2) Quiz Answers - Coursera!

  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • No direct relationship

Q17) Is this data model in third normal form?

Refer to the following video for a refresher: video 4.

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