Memory Game Quiz Answers (100% Correct)


Boost your memory with our fun and free memory game. Pay close attention and try to remember the sequence of the colors as they fervidly light up. Are you ready to test your memory? Let’s give it a go!

Memory Game from video-facts 100% correct answers

Q1. Press PLAY. Watch the video until the end and then answer the question.





Right Answer: Red

Q2. Press PLAY. Watch the video until the end. Then type your answer to the question.

Type Answer: Green

Q3. Press PLAY. Watch the video until the end and then answer the question.


Red, Blue

Yellow, Green

Blue, Blue

Yellow, Blue

Right Answer: Yellow, Blue

Q4. Press PLAY. Watch the video until the end. Then type your answer to the question.


Type Answer: 2

Q5. Press PLAY. Watch the video until the end and then answer the question.





Right Answer: Purple  


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