Q 1. Autumn is in the air, let’s head over to the:
Apple Orchard
Table Richard
Maple Orchard
Staple Orchard
Right Answer:
Apple Orchard
Q 2. Seeds spread and become new trees.
Poet Made
Palm Care
Pulp Game
Pine Cone
Right Answer:
Pine Cone
Q 3. Can you guess what we’re seeing all over the forest floor?
Acorns and Squirrels
Aches and Squills
Acres and Squeaks
Actors and Squalor
Right Answer:
Acorns and Squirrels
Q 4. In Great Britain, we love a tasty treat called…
Coffee Apples
Toffee Apple
Lychee Apple
Coffee Angel
Right Answer:
Toffee Apple
Q 5. The hint is in the picture!
A persimmon coloured rosebush
A perrsimon colored reindeer
A perssimon colored roadsign
A persimmon colored raincoat
Right Answer:
A persimmon colored raincoat
Q 6. Can you find the correct examples of this?
Yew, sycamore, willow, spruce
Linden, pine, oak, poplar
Aspen, elm, fir, beech
Alder, maple, apple, ash
Right Answer:
Alder, maple, apple, ash
Q 7. This is the name of a movie!
Blame the Autumn Moon
Eager the Autumn Love
Close the Autumn Room
Under the Autumn Moon
Right Answer:
Under the Autumn Moon
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