brawl stars brawler quiz answers 100% score +12robux

Brawl Stars Brawler Quiz Answers 100% Score

Brawl Stars Brawler Quiz Answers Video Quiz Hero

Brawl Stars Brawler Quiz Answers Video Quiz Hero

Brawl Stars Brawler Quiz.

Brawl Stars was released on iOS and Android in December of 2018 and quickly became one of the most popular mobile games. The multiplayer online battle game was developed by the same developers as Clash of Clans, and it’s been a staple of every mobile gamer’s library.

1. Name this Brawler!

  1. Meg
  2. Rosa
  3. Jessie
  4. Tara

Right Answer: Rosa

2. Name this Brawler!

  1. Griff
  2. Brock
  3. Colt
  4. Surge

Right Answer: Griff

3. Name this Brawler!

  1. Colonel Ruffs
  2. Poco
  3. Gene
  4. Carl

Right Answer: Carl

4. Name this Brawler!

  1. Leon
  2. Edgar
  3. Buzz
  4. Surge

Right Answer: Edgar

5. Name this Brawler!

  1. Sandy
  2. Tara
  3. Penny
  4. Crow

Right Answer: Sandy

6. Name this Brawler!

  1. Amber
  2. Jacky
  3. Emz
  4. Bibi

Right Answer: Emz

7. Name this Brawler!

  1. Buzz
  2. Colt
  3. Mr. P
  4. Rico

Right Answer: Mr. P

8. Name this Brawler!

  1. Spike
  2. Frank
  3. Darryl
  4. Stu

Right Answer: Stu

9. Name this Brawler!

  1. Nani
  2. El Primo
  3. Griff
  4. Gene

Right Answer: Nani

10. Name this Brawler!

  1. Frank
  2. Gale
  3. Squeak
  4. El Primo

Right Answer: Gale

11. Name this Brawler!

  1. Max
  2. Ash
  3. Barley
  4. Leon

Right Answer: Leon

12. Name this Brawler!

  1. Meg
  2. Nita
  3. Belle
  4. Emz

Right Answer: Belle

13. Name this Brawler!

  1. Bull
  2. Colt
  3. Surge
  4. Gale

Right Answer: Bull

14. Name this Brawler!

  1. Lou
  2. Spike
  3. Tick
  4. Brock

Right Answer: Tick

15. Name this Brawler!

  1. Belle
  2. Colette
  3. Shelly
  4. Amber

Right Answer: Amber

16. Name this Brawler!

  1. Surge
  2. Nani
  3. Colt
  4. Brock

Right Answer: Surge

17. Name this Brawler!

  1. Amber
  2. Penny
  3. Meg
  4. Piper

Right Answer: Meg

18. Name this Brawler!

  1. Edgar
  2. Poco
  3. Stu
  4. Griff

Right Answer: Poco

19. Name this Brawler!

  1. Frank
  2. Gene
  3. Tick
  4. El Primo

Right Answer: Frank

20. Name this Brawler!

  1. Penny
  2. Piper
  3. Rosa
  4. Sprout

Right Answer: Piper

21. Name this Brawler!

  1. Penny
  2. Colette
  3. Tara
  4. Shelly

Right Answer: Tara

22. Name this Brawler!

  1. Dynamike
  2. Spike
  3. Ash
  4. 8-Bit

Right Answer: Dynamike

23. Name this Brawler!

  1. Bo
  2. Colt
  3. 8-Bit
  4. Ash

Right Answer: Ash

24. Name this Brawler!

  1. Byron
  2. Frank
  3. Mortis
  4. Stu

Right Answer: Mortis

25. Name this Brawler!

  1. Barley
  2. Mr. P
  3. Edgar
  4. Max

Right Answer: Max

Brawl Stars Brawler Quiz Answers

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