Coinmarketcap BNB Boost Quiz Answers


CoinMarketCap users can learn about “Liquid Staking on BNB Chain” and take a short quiz to get rewarded! The “BNB Boost” Learn & Earn Campaign’s reward tokens will be distributed randomly among the users who have a KYC-verified account and who complete the quiz successfully before the campaign concludes.

The “BNB Boost” CoinMarketCap Learn & Earn Campaign’s reward pool is $250,000 worth of tokens. Successful users will receive tokens as shown in the Prize-Pool Table below; as well as an additional 50 Diamonds as a reward!

Coinmarketcap BNB Boost Quiz Answers - Learn & Earn CMC

The “BNB Boost” CoinMarketCap Learn & Earn Campaign’s reward pool is $250,000 worth of tokens. Successful users will receive tokens as shown in the Prize-Pool Table below; as well as an additional 50 Diamonds as a reward!

Coinmarketcap Learn & Earn BNB Boost Quiz Answers

The “BNB Boost” Learn & Earn Campaign will run from August 31, 2022 (12:00 PM UTC) to September 29, 2022 (12:00 PM UTC). Make sure to take the following lessons to complete the quiz!

Prerequisites for Participation:

– Must Have CMC & Binance Account

If you don’t have a binance account, you can create one here:

Learn about “Liquid Staking on BNB Chain” & Take a Short Quiz to Earn Tokens Answers!

      1. pStake Finance – How to maximize your BNB yields with pSTAKE?

1. After every epoch does the value of stkBNB decrease or increase against BNB?*


2. Users unstaking BNB from pSTAKE will have to wait for how many days?*

15 days

3. Which application provides the leverage yield farms for stkBNB?*

Alpaca Finance

4. What is the protocol fee charged by pSTAKE for the first 90 days?*

0 %

5. Which on-chain security analysis does pSTAKE use for stkBNB?*


6. Please find the “Unique Code” in the pStake Finance’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here! (Digits-Only)*


            2. Ankr Quiz Answers – What is Ankr Staking?

7. How does liquid staking differ from staking?*

Liquiz Staking solves the capital inefficiencies of staking, because it unlocks the capital staked to be used in other protocols

8. What are the advantages of liquid staking tokens?*

All of the above

9. Which networks does Ankr support for liquid staking?*

Ethereum, Polkadot, Fantom, BNB, Avalanche, Polygon, Kusama

10. Please find the “Unique Code” in Ankr’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here! (Digits-Only)*


            3. Stader – Introduction to Stader Labs & its BNB staking solution

11. How many chains is Stader live on?*


12. Which of the following security measures are followed by Stader’s solution?*

All of the above

13. How does BNBx increase in value?*

The exchange rate of BNBx with respect to BNB increases over time as staking rewards accumulate

14. Which of the following are advantages of BNBx?*

All of the above

15. How much time does it usually take to stake BNB with Stader?*

< Minute

16. Please find the “Unique Code” in Stader’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here! (Digits-Only)*


4. Wombat Exchange Quiz Answers – Wombat Exchange: Advancing into Stableswap 2.0

17. What is the vision of Wombat Exchange?*

18. What are the competitive advantages of Wombat Exchange?*

All of the above

19. What traditional finance concept does Wombat use to manage its liquidity?*

Coverage Ratio

20. What tokens are included in Wombat’s liquid staking pool?*

BNB, BNBx, and stkBNB

21. Please find the “Unique Code” in Wombat Exchange’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here! (Digits-Only)*


                      5. Helio Quiz Answers – What is the Helio Protocol?

22. What is the Helio protocol?*

A decentralized and over-collateralized destablecoin solution capitalizing on the potential of liquid staking & yield bearing assets.

23. What is the Loan-To-Value ratio for borrowing $HAY?*

66 %

24. What is a destablecoin?*

A decentralised digital asset backed by decentralised cryptocurrency as collateral and while non volatile, can be subject to minor fluctuations. 

25. How can I obtain the $HAY destablecoin?*

Providing $BNB in collateral, and borrowing/mint $HAY against it.

26. How does Helio protocol ensure that $HAY yields are sustainable?*

All of the above

27. Please find the “Unique Code” in Helio’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here! (Digits-Only)*




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