Common Phrases Quiz Answers – Quizzes to Answers


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Q 1. The phrase “ships passing in the night” means?

Two people boarding separate ships
Two people who fall in love and get married
Two people fighting each other constantly
Two people going their separate ways after a chance meeting

Right Answer:
Two people going their separate ways after a chance meeting

Q 2. What do we mean when we use the expression “When the rubber hits the road”?

When someone rushes headlong into a task
A failed hypothesis
A proposition that is being implemented
Achieving two tasks at the same time

Right Answer:
A proposition that is being implemented

Q 3. “Amateur hour” signifies what kind of quality?

A poor one
A priceless one
A strong one
An excellent one

Right Answer:
A poor one

Q 4. A “Cup of Joe” means?

A cup of tea
A cupful of sauce
A swig of brandy
A cup of coffee

Right Answer:
A cup of coffee

Q 5. To take a “shot in the dark,” would mean?

To not lie, cheat or steal
To risk doing something that may not be successful
To give your best at doing something
To aim accurately at something

Right Answer:
To risk doing something that may not be successful

Q 6. The expression “Bite the bullet” means?

Getting over your blues
Taste something that is awful
To admit one’s one guilt
To get something over with because it is unavoidable

Right Answer:
To get something over with because it is unavoidable

Q 7. To “swing for the fences” means?

Put in cent per cent effort in something.
To put in a half-effort in something
To avoid someone completely
Not trying anything at all

Right Answer:
Put in cent per cent effort in something.

Q 8. “On the ball” means what?

Messing things up
Feeling down
Having a good time
Doing a good job

Right Answer:
Doing a good job

Q 9. “Waiting in the wings,” what exactly it means?

Feeling unrequited love for someone
Eating bar food alone
About to board a flight
Waiting for your big opportunity or chance to take place

Right Answer:
Waiting for your big opportunity or chance to take place

Q 10. What does “bells and whistles” signify?

Navy ships docking.
Surrendering enemies
Embellishments that are often needless
Church-sponsored sports events

Right Answer:
Embellishments that are often needless

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