Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift Quiz Answers


Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift complete course is currently being offered by IBM through Coursera platform.

About this Course

In this course designed for beginners, learn how to build cloud native applications using current containerization tools and technologies such as containers, Docker, container registries, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Istio. Also learn how to deploy and scale your applications in any public, private, or hybrid cloud.  


– Alex Parker

– Upkar Lidder

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Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift Quiz Answers - Coursera!

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Module 1 – Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1) Which of the following are benefits of containers?

Answer: Containers provide a standardized way to package and ship software. 

Question 2) What is an image? 

Answer: A read-only file that contains the source code, libraries, and dependencies that are needed to run an application. 

Question 3) In this sample Dockerfile, what does the FROM instruction do? 

FROM ubuntu:18.04 

COPY . /app 

RUN make /app 

CMD python /app/  

Answer: It defines the base image, which in this case is Ubuntu version 18.04. 

Question 4) What does the docker build command do? 

Answer: It uses a Dockerfile to create an image. 

Question 5) You can use the Docker COPY instruction to copy files from your local machine to a container. 

Answer: True

Question 6) What does the Docker CLI build command do? 

Answer: It builds an image from a Dockerfile. 

Question 7) Containers include a guest operating system in every instance. 

Answer: False

Question 8) In this sample docker build command, what does the -t option do? 

Answer: It gives the image the name “my-app” and the tag “v1”. 

Question 9) You use the docker push command to distribute an image to a registry. 

Answer: True

Module 2 – Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1) Which of the following four statements describes what Kubernetes is? Select all that apply. 


Container orchestration platform 

Open source software 

Widely available 

A tool that facilitates declarative management 

Question 2) Which of the following components is part of the Kubernetes control plane? 

Answer: etcd

Question 3) Which of the following two are Kubernetes objects? Select all that apply. 




Question 4) Which Kubernetes object represents a single instance of processes running in a container? 

Answer: Pod 

Question 5) In this sample kubectl command, what does create do? 

kubectl create -f nginx.yaml 

Answer: It creates an object using the details in the nginx.yaml file. 

Question 6) Which of the following statements describes what Kubernetes is? 

Answer: A container orchestration platform 

Question 7) Which of the following two are container runtimes? Select all that apply. 




Question 8) Which of the following Kubernetes objects can you use to segregate a cluster by team or project? 

Answer: Namespaces 

Question 9) Which Kubernetes object provides updates to Pods and ReplicaSets? 

Answer: Deployment 

Question 10) In this sample kubectl command, what does create do? 

kubectl create -f pod.json 

Answer: It creates an object using the details in the pod.json file. 

Module 3 – Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1) Which of the following statements describes what a ReplicaSet does? Select the four that apply. 


Replicates a Deployment 

Provides configuration details to Deployments 

Rolls out app changes in an automated and controlled manner 

Maintains a stable set of Pods in a cluster, spinning up or deleting pods as needed 

Question 2) Which of the following Kubernetes objects are used to run applications? Select the four that apply. 





Service bindings 

Question 3) In this sample kubectl command, what does get deployments tell us? Select the four that apply. 

» kubectl get deployments 

NAME               READY         UP-TO-DATE      AVAILABLE       AGE 

Nginx-deploy      1/3             1                                1               3s                                                                       


How many replicas of the application are available. 

How long the application has been running. 

How many replicas of the application are ready. 

The number of replicas that have been updated to the desired state. 

Question 4) Which of the following Kubernetes objects is used to store and manage sensitive information?





Service bindings 

Question 5) Which of the following can be used to create ConfigMaps? Select the three that apply. 


A YAML configuration file 

A file with key-value pairs 

The kubectl configmap command 

Question 6) How are ReplicaSets often created? 


One is automatically created for you when you create a Deployment. 

Question 7) Which of the following Kubernetes objects are used to run applications? Select the three that apply. 




Service bindings 

Question 8) Which of the following are used to provide ConfigMaps to Pods and Deployments? Select the two that apply.


YAML configuration files 

String literals 

Question 9) What Kubernetes capabilities enable an application to increase the number of Pods based on traffic? Select the two that apply. 


kubectl autoscale command 

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler  

Question 10) What does the following command do? 


Retrieves the secrets in the “default” namespace 

Module 4 – Graded Quiz Answers

Question 1) Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes? 


OpenShift packages Kubernetes with additional tooling to make developers and administrators more successful. 

Question 2) Which of the following are Red Hat OpenShift build triggers? Select the three that apply. 


Configuration change 


Image change 

Question 3) Which of the following are possible with Istio service mesh? Select the three that apply. 


Routing traffic to two versions of a microservice 

Encrypting traffic between services 

Setting policies that stipulate which services can talk to each other 

Question 4) Which of the following are types of operators available in OperatorHub? Select the three that apply. 



Red Hat 


Question 5) Image streams can point to images in which of the following locations. Select the four that apply. 


Other image streams 

Private external registries 

The OpenShift internal registry 

Public external registries 

Question 6) What is the Istio service mesh NOT used for? Select all that apply.

Answer: Encrypt Kubernetes secrets

Question 7) Kubernetes is the sole project inhosted by the CNCF.

Answer: False

Question 8) OpenShift can be run in which of the following environments? Select the four that apply.


Hybrid cloud

Public cloud

On premise

Private cloud

Question 9) What is the open source upstream version of OpenShift called?

Answer: OKD

Question 10) Which of the following build strategies injects application source code into builder images without having to write a Dockerfile?

Answer: Source-to-image 

Question 11) Image streams contain complete image data.

Answer: False


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