Introduction to CSS3 Week 1 Quiz Answers


Introduction to CSS3 complete course is currently being offered by University of Michigan through Coursera platform.


– Web Design

– Style Sheets

– Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

– Web Development

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Introduction to CSS3 Week 1 Quiz Answers - Coursera!

Styling Syntax and Theory

Q1) Which of the following is not an option for specifying a color in CSS3?

  • Use a hexadecimal value
  • Use the color name
  • Use an rgb value
  • All of these options are valid.

Q2) If your body tag uses the style attribute style=”text-align:center”, you can overwrite that property by using the CSS3 rule.


   text-align: left;


Q3) What is wrong with the following rule?


   color: #000000;


   font-family: Times, Arial, Cursive;


  • You can’t specify three options for font-family.
  • You can’t specify three styles in a single rule
  • This is a valid rule

Q4) Assume the following rule is the only one that styles the body element:


   font-family: Cursive, Helvetica, Verdana;


What happens if the browser doesn’t support Cursive or Helvetica?

  • The text will be displayed in Cursive
  • The text will be displayed in Verdana
  • The text will not be displayed

Q5) The browser defaults override rules specified in an external style sheets.

Q6) Using the code below, will the body of the page have the background-color defined in the file style.css or the background color define in the file style.css or the background color define in the file style.css or the background color define in the <style> tag


    <meta charset = “UTF-8”>

    <title>Test code</title>

    <link rel “stylesheet” href = “”>



            background-color: #44CCDD;




Q7) Internal styling (rules specified in the <head> section) override rules specified with the style attribute in a tag.

Q8) The default display value for paragraphs is:

  • block
  • inline-block
  • inline
  • none

Q9) The default display value for <span> is:

  • block
  • none
  • inline
  • inline-block

Q10) A block element takes up the full width of it’s parent, even if the content is smaller than the parent. So two block elements at the same will not be side-by-side.

Q11) Inline elements take up the full width of the browser, even if the content is smaller than the browser size.

12. Which CSS3 property is used to center text? (Provide on the property, not the value!)

13. Which of the following is the best way to convey that your text has special meaning?

  • Using a combination of font size and color to signify the important text
  • Using colors to signify the important text
  • Using a larger font size to signify the important text
  • Using semantic tags in addition to color and/or font.


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