Introduction to Git and GitHub (Week 1 – 4) Quiz Answers


Introduction to Git and GitHub complete course is currently being offered by Google through Coursera platform.

This course is part of the Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate.

About this Course

In this course, you’ll learn how to keep track of the different versions of your code and configuration files using a popular version control system (VCS) called Git. We’ll also go through how to setup an account with a service called GitHub so that you can create your very own remote repositories to store your code and configuration. 

Throughout this course, you’ll learn about Git’s core functionality so you can understand how and why it’s used in organizations. 

We’ll look into both basic and more advanced features, like branches and merging. We’ll demonstrate how having a working knowledge of a VCS like Git can be a lifesaver in emergency situations or when debugging. And then we’ll explore how to use a VCS to work with others through remote repositories, like the ones provided by GitHub.


– Using Git

– Version Control Systems

– Interacting with GitHub

– Reverting Changes

– Creating Pull Requests

Also Check: How to Apply for Coursera Financial Aid

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Introduction to Git and GitHub Week 1 Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Before Version Control

Q1. Your colleague sent you a patch called fix_names.patch,
which fixes a config file called fix_names.conf. What command do you need to
run to apply the patch to the config file?

  • diff
    names.conf fix_names.conf
  • patch
    fix_names.conf names.conf
  • patch
    fix_names.conf < fix_names.patch
  • diff
    names.conf_orig names.conf_fixed > fix_names.conf

Q2. You’re helping a friend with a bug in a script called, which fixes the permissions of a bunch of files. To work on
the file, you make a copy and call it What command
do you need to run after solving the bug to send the patch to your friend?

  • diff > fix_permissions.patch
  • patch <
  • patch > fix_permissions.patch
  • diff fix_permissions.diff

Q3. The _ command highlights the words that
changed in a file instead of working line by line.

  • diff
  • diff
  • vimdiff
  • patch

Q4. How can we choose the return value our script returns
when it finishes?

  • Using
    the exit command from the sys module
  • Use
    the patch command
  • Use
    the diff command
  • Use

Q5. In addition to the original files, what else do we need
before we can use the patch command?

  • Diff
  • exit
    command of the sys module
  • Version
  • Full
    copy of the new files

Practice Quiz: Version Control Systems

Q1. How can a VCS (Version Control System) come in handy
when updating your software, even if you’re a solo programmer? Check all that

  • Git
    retains local copies of repositories, resulting in fast operations.
  • If
    something breaks due to a change, you can fix the problem by reverting to
    a working version before the change.
  • Git
    relies on a centralized server.
  • Git
    allows you to review the history of your project.

Q2. Who is the original creator and main developer of the
VCS (Version Control System) tool Git?

  • Bill
  • Guido
    van Rossum
  • Linus
  • James

Q3. _ is a feature of a software management
system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can
recall specific versions later.

  • A
  • sys.exit()
  • Version
  • IDE

Q4. A _ is a collection of edits that have
been submitted to the version control system for safekeeping.

  • IDE
  • version
    control system
  • commit
  • repository

Q5. Within a VCS, project files are organized in centralized
locations called _ where they can be called upon later.

  • commits
  • repositories
  • IDE
  • yum

Practice Quiz: Using Git

Q1. Before changes in new files can be added to the Git
directory, what command will tell Git to track our file in the list of changes
to be committed?

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git

Q2. Which command would we use to review the commit history
for our project?

  • git
  • git
  • git
    config -l
  • git

Q3. What command would we use to make Git track our file?

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git

Q4. Which command would we use to look at our config?

  • git
  • git
  • git
    config -l
  • git

Q5. Which command would we use to view pending changes?

  • git
  • git
  • git
    config -l
  • git

Introduction to Git and GitHub Week 2 Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Advanced Git Interaction

Q1. Which of the following commands is NOT an example of a method
for comparing or reviewing the changes made to a file?

  • git
    log -p
  • git
    diff –staged
  • git
    add -p
  • git

Q2. What is the gitignore file?

  • A
    file containing a list of commands that Git will ignore.
  • A
    file the user is intended to ignore.
  • A
    file listing uncommitted changes.
  • A
    file containing a list of files or filename patterns for Git to skip for
    the current repo.

Q3. What kind of file will the command git commit -a not

  • Tracked
  • New
  • Old
  • Staged

Q4. What does HEAD represent in Git?

  • The
    subject line of a commit message
  • The
    top portion of a commit
  • The
    currently checked-out snapshot of your project
  • The
    first commit of your project

Q5. If we want to show some stats about the changes in a
commit, like which files were changed and how many lines were added or removed,
what flag should we add to git log?

  • –stat
  • –patch
  • -2
  • –pretty

Practice Quiz: Undoing Things

Q1. Let’s say we’ve made a mistake in our latest commit to a
public branch. Which of the following commands is the best option for fixing
our mistake?

  • git
  • git
    commit –amend
  • git
  • git
    checkout —

Q2. If we want to roll back a commit on a public branch that
wasn’t the most recent one using the revert command, what must we do?

  • Use
    the git reset HEAD~2 command instead of revert
  • Use
    the revert command repeatedly until we’ve reached the one we want
  • Use
    the commit ID at the end of the git revert command
  • Use
    the git commit –amend command instead

Q3. What does Git use cryptographic hash keys for?

  • To
    secure project backups
  • To
    guarantee the consistency of our repository
  • To
    encrypt passwords
  • To
    identify commits

Q4. What does the command git commit –amend do?

  • Start
    a new branch
  • Create
    a copy of the previous commit
  • Delete
    the previous commit
  • Overwrite
    the previous commit

Q5. How can we easily view the log message and diff output
the last commit if we don’t know the commit ID?

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git

Practice Quiz: Branching & Merging

Q1. When we merge two branches, one of two algorithms is
used. If the branches have diverged, which algorithm is used?

  • three-way
  • fast-forward
  • merge
  • orphan-creating

Q2. The following code snippet represents the result of a
merge conflict. Edit the code to fix the conflict and keep the version
represented by the current branch.

print(“Keep me!”)

Q3. What command would we use to throw away a merge, and
start over?

  • git
    checkout -b
  • git
    merge –abort
  • git
    log –graph –oneline
  • git
    branch -D

Q4. How do we display a summarized view of the commit
history for a repo, showing one line per commit?

  • git
    log –format=short
  • git
    branch -D
  • git
    log –graph –oneline
  • git
    checkout -b

Q5. The following script contains the result of a merge
conflict. Edit the code to fix the conflict, so that both versions are

def main():

of program>>>>>>>”)

    print(“End of


Introduction to Git and GitHub Week 3 Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Introduction to GitHub

Q1. When we want to update our local repository to reflect
changes made in the remote repository, which command would we use?

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git
    commit -a -m

Q2. git config –global credential. helper cache allows us to
configure the credential helper, which is used for …what?

  • Troubleshooting
    the login process
  • Dynamically
    suggesting commit messages
  • Allowing
    configuration of automatic repository pulling
  • Allowing
    automated login to GitHub

Q3. Name two ways to avoid having to enter our password when
retrieving and when pushing changes to the repo. (Check all that apply)

  • Implement
    a post-receive hook
  • Use
    a credential helper
  • Create
    an SSH key-pair
  • Use
    the git commit -a -m command.

Q4. Before we have a local copy of a commit, we should
download one using which command?

  • git
    commit -a -m
  • git
  • git
  • git

Practice Quiz: Using a Remote Repository

Q1. In order to get the contents of a remote branch without
automatically merging, which of these commands should we use?

  • git
  • git
    remote update
  • git
  • git
    log -p -1

Q2. If we need to find more information about a remote
branch, which command will help us?

  • git
  • git
  • git
    remote update
  • git
    remote show origin

Q3. What command will download remote branches from remote
repositories without merging the content with your current workspace

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git
    remote update

Q4. What type of merge creates a new merge commit?

  • Fast-forward
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Squash
    on merge

Q5. What method of getting remote content will automatically
merge the remote branch with the current local branch?

  • git
  • git
  • git
    remote update
  • git

Practice Quiz: Solving Conflicts

Q1. If you’re making changes to a local branch while another
user has also made changes to the remote branch, which command will trigger a

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git

Q2. Which of the following is a reason to use rebase instead
of merging?

  • When
    you want to keep a linear commit history
  • When
    you want a set of commits to be clearly grouped together in history
  • When
    you are on a public branch
  • When
    pushing commits to a remote branch

Q3. Where should we keep the latest stable version of the

  • The
    master branch
  • A
    separate branch from the master branch
  • The
    debug branch
  • A
    remote branch

Q4. Which of the following statements represent best
practices for collaboration? (check all that apply)

  • When
    working on a big change, it makes sense to have a separate feature branch.
  • You
    should always rebase changes that have been pushed to remote repos.
  • Always
    synchronize your branches before starting any work on your own.
  • Avoid
    having very large changes that modify a lot of different things.

Q5. What command would we use to change the base of the
current branch?

  • git
  • git
  • git
  • git

Introduction to Git and GitHub Week 4 Coursera Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz: Pull Requests

Q1. What is the difference between using squash and fixup
when rebasing?

  • Squash
    deletes previous commits.
  • Squash
    combines the commit messages into one. Fixup discards the new commit
  • Squash
    only works on Apple operating systems.
  • Fixup
    combines the commit messages into one. Squash discards the commit message.

Q2. What is a pull request?

  • The
    owner of the target repository requesting you to add your changes.
  • A
    request sent to the owner and collaborators of the target repository to
    pull your recent changes.
  • A
    request to delete previous changes.
  • A
    request for a specific feature in the next version.

Q3. Under what circumstances is a new fork created?

  • When
    you want to experiment with changes without affecting the main repository.
  • When
    you clone a remote repository to your local machine.
  • During
    a merge conflict.
  • When
    there are too many branches.

Q4. What combination of command and flags will force Git to
push the current snapshot to the repo as it is, possibly resulting in permanent
data loss?

  • git
    push -f
  • git
    log –graph –oneline –all
  • git
  • git
    rebase -i

Q5. When using interactive rebase, which option is the
default, and takes the commits and rebases them against the branch we selected?

Practice Quiz: Code Reviews

Q1. When should we respond to comments from collaborators
and reviewers?

  • When
    their comments address software-breaking bugs
  • No
    need, just resolve the concerns and be done with it
  • Always
  • Only
    when a code correction is necessary

Q2. What is a nit?

  • A
    trivial comment or suggestion
  • A
    couple lines of code
  • A
    repository that is no longer maintained
  • An
    orphaned branch

Q3. Select common code issues that might be addressed in a
code review. (Check all that apply)

  • Using
    unclear names
  • Following
    PEP8 guidelines
  • Forgetting
    to handle a specific condition
  • Forgetting
    to add tests

Q4. If we’ve pushed a new version since we’ve made a recent
change, what might our comment be flagged as?

  • Accepted
  • Resolved
  • Outdated
  • Merged

Q5. What are the goals of code review? (Check all that

  • Make
    sure that the contents are easy to understand
  • Ensure
    consistent style
  • Build
    perfect code
  • Ensure
    we don’t forget any important cases

Practice Quiz: Managing Collaboration

Q1. How do we reference issues in our commits with automatic

  • By
    using one of the keywords followed by a hashtag and the issue number.
  • By
    using an asterisk (*) after the issue number.
  • By
    typing the issue number inside braces ({}).
  • By
    using a special keyword.

Q2. What is an artifact in terms of continuous
integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines?

  • An
    old and obsolete piece of code or library.
  • Any
    file generated as part of the CI/CD pipeline.
  • An
    unintended minor glitch in a computer program
  • An
    automated series of tests that run each time there is a new commit or pull

Q3. Which of the following statements are good advice for
project maintainers? (Check all that apply)

  • Coordinate
    solely via email
  • Reply
    promptly to pull-requests
  • Understand
    any changes you accept
  • Use
    an issue tracker

Q4. Which statement best represents what a Continuous
Integration system will do?

  • Run
    tests automatically
  • Update
    with incremental rollouts
  • Assign
    issues and track who’s doing what
  • Specify
    the steps that need to run to get the result you want

Q5. Which statement best represents what a Continuous
Delivery (CD) system will do?

  • Run
    tests automatically
  • Update
    with incremental rollouts
  • Assign
    issues and track who’s doing what
  • Specify
    the steps that need to run to get the result you want


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