Introduction to Marketing (Week 1 – 4) Quiz Answers


Introduction to Marketing complete course is currently being offered by University of Pennsylvania through Coursera platform.

This course is part of the Business Foundations Specialization.

By the end of this course, you will learn about: 

– Branding: brand equity is one of the key elements of keeping customers in a dynamic world in which new startups are emerging constantly. 

– Customer centricity: not synonymous with customer service, customer centricity starts with customer focus and need-gathering. 

– Go-to-market strategies: understand the drivers that influence customers and see how these are implemented prior to making an investment. 

Introduction to Marketing (Week 1 - 4) Quiz Answers - Coursera!

Introduction to Marketing Week 1 Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. Here is an example of a positioning statement for Volvo:
“For upscale American families, Volvo is the family automobile that offers
maximum safety.” In this example, what serves as the frame of reference for the
positioning statement?

  • Volvos
  • Upscale
    American families
  • Unsafe
  • The
    claim of maximum safety
  • Other
    family automobiles

Q2. Which of the following is NOT an element of the
marketing mix?

  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • Product
  • Population

Q3. As the US has become more health conscious, we have seen
many fast food chains like McDonalds and Burger King introduce healthier
offerings like grilled chicken and salad options. This is an example of what
course concept?

  • Category
    Points of Parity
  • Category
    Points of Difference
  • Competitive
    Points of Parity
  • Competitive
    Points of Difference

Q4. When Steve Jobs updated his company name from Apple
Computer to Apple in 2007, which part of the brand positioning was he changing?

  • Point
    of difference
  • Target
  • Frame
    of reference

Q5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Generation
Y cohort?

  • They
    were born between 1977 and and 1997.
  • They
    are independent and don’t depend on social networking to connect with
    other members of their cohort.
  • They
    appreciate free content, access to wireless internet, and customization.
  • They
    account for 30% of the population.

Q6. PRIZM is a segmentation scheme that defines the country
based on what type of clusters?

  • Cohort
  • Demographic
  • Occupational
  • Geographic

Q7. In a buyer’s market, the buyer has the power and the
market is ______-focused.

Q8. According to the lectures, what should a company’s
long-term marketing strategy be?

  • To
    be ABOVE “fair value” on each dimension (operational excellence, performance
    superiority, and customer intimacy).
  • To
    be the best at one dimension and good enough at the other two dimensions
    (operational excellence, performance superiority, and customer intimacy).
  • To
    be AT fair value (operational excellence, performance superiority, and
    customer intimacy).

Q9. In the STP framework, what does “STP” stand for?

  • Segmentation;
    targeting; positioning
  • Segmentation;
    targeting; pricing
  • Sizing;
    tabulating; positioning
  • Sizing;
    targeting; pricing

Q10. What is marketing?

  • The
    study of a market, which is an exchange between two partners
  • The
    study of brand positioning
  • The
    study of buyers and sellers
  • The
    study of selling products

Introduction to Marketing Week 2 Coursera Quiz Answers

Q1. Because of technology-enabled product development,
product life cycles are much shorter now, and companies are constantly
reiterating and thinking of new ideas. Which “crack in product centricity”
captures this?

  • Innovation
  • Commoditization
  • Globalization
  • Saturation

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a crack in the
product-centric approach?

  • Retail
  • Smart
  • Deregulation
  • Customer
  • Globalization

Q3. Which of the following is not true about direct

  • The
    individual customer is the unit of analysis
  • It
    aims to determine marketing communication based on past purchases
  • It
    determines and leverages combined customer value
  • It
    allows companies to know who their customers are and what they buy

Q4. Which of these retailers would Professor Fader describe
as highly customer centric?

  • Starbucks
  • Walmart
  • All
    of them
  • Nordstrom
  • Apple
  • None
    of them

Q5. What is the correct definition of customer centricity?

  • Customer
    centricity is a strategy that aligns a company’s development/delivery of
    its products/services around the future needs of a select set of customers
    in order to maximize their long-term financial value to the firm.
  • Customer
    centricity is a strategy that aligns a company’s development/delivery of
    its products/services around the current and future needs of a select set
    of customers in order to maximize their long-term financial value to the
  • Customer
    centricity is a strategy that aligns a company’s development/delivery of
    its products/services around the current needs of a select set of
    customers in order to maximize their long-term financial value to the
  • Customer
    centricity is a strategy that aligns a company’s development/delivery of
    its products/services around the future needs of a select set of customers
    in order to maximize their short-term financial value to the firm.

Q6. Professor Fader discussed “salesperson of the month.”
What would he say is the best way to pick a salesperson of the month?

  • The
    number of new customers brought in.
  • The
    number of repeat purchases made by existing customers.
  • The
    change in total customer lifetime value for that month.
  • The
    number of quality referrals they generate.

Q7. Is maximizing shareholder value the overarching
objective for a customer-centric commercial enterprise or a product-centric
commercial enterprise?

  • Neither
  • Customer-centric
  • Both
  • Product-centric

Q8. According to Professor Fader, success in a
customer-centric world arises through enhanced and/or more efficient levels of
the following EXCEPT:

  • Customer
  • Customer
  • Customer
  • Customer

Q9. True or False. Customer centricity suggests that you
should “fire” (i.e. get rid of) your least valuable customers.

Q10. In a product-centric company, sales bias is on the side
of the ____________ in a transaction.

  • Seller
  • Market
  • Buyer
  • Broker

Introduction to Marketing Week 3 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following are included in the 7 M’s of
developing a Communication Plan? (Select all that apply):

  • Mass:
    How large should the plan be?
  • Message
    Content/Design: What should we tell them and how?
  • Markets:
    Who should we talk to?
  • Media
    Strategy: How do we reach them?
  • Money:
    How much do we need to spend?

Q2. Which of the following is NOT an example of Mass and
Targeted Media strategy?

  • Outbound
  • Online
    Word of Mouth
  • Product
  • Print
  • Public

Q3. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the
Key Principles of Media Planning?

  • The
    campaign must win awards in order to succeed
  • The
    campaign must avoid unpleasant connections with your product
  • The
    campaign mentions the brand name
  • The
    campaign can show the product in use
  • The
    campaign should state the positives of the product/service

Q4. 1% improvement in ______ would create the biggest
improvement of operating profit for a company.

  • Sales
  • Fixed
  • Price
  • Variable

Q5. Price Sensitivity is affected by… (Select all that

  • Private
  • Switching
  • Availability
    and awareness of substitutes
  • Indirect
  • Price/Quality

Q6. Which of the following statement is true about measuring
price elasticity?

  • Surveys
    measures the variable of actual purchases in an experimental environment
  • A
    carefully designed choice set in a Trade-Off Analysis can allow us to
    measure how a consumer trades off one variable against another
  • When
    actual purchase is measured under controlled conditions, you are measuring
    Sales Data
  • One
    of the strengths of a Survey is that people are honest about their
    intentions on what they will do
  • For
    field/laboratory experiments, one only needs to measure preferences and

Q7. According to the Weber Fechner Law, consumers react to
prices in _____ as opposed to _____.

  • Euros
    / Dollars
  • Terms
    of Emotion / Rationality
  • Percentage
    Terms / Absolutes
  • Decimal
    Points of .99 / .00
  • Dollars
    / Euros

Q8. True or False: Businesses often spend significantly more
money on creating customer access for their products/service than they spend on

Q9. For the iPhone, which of the following are considered
digital attributes of the product? (Select all that apply)

  • Efficiency
    of using the appes on the phone
  • Size
    differences between iPhone models
  • Feel
    of the touchscreen technology
  • Colors
  • Price

Q10. _____ is when the consumers shop offline to get a feel
for the product and then buys the product online at a cheaper price.

  • Showrooming
  • Webrooming
  • Retail
  • Comparison

Introduction to Marketing Week 4 Quiz Answers

(Final Exam Answer)

Q1. Professor Kahn demonstrated the use of a Value Map.
According to the Fair Value framework and to the lecture, what should companies
try to do?

  • Offer
    fair value on all three bundles.
  • Offer
    better than fair value on all three bundles.
  • Offer
    fair value on two bundles and offer better than fair value on the other

Q2. In the STP framework, what does “STP” stand for?

  • Segmentation;
    targeting; pricing
  • Sizing;
    targeting; pricing
  • Sizing;
    tabulating; positioning
  • Segmentation;
    targeting; positioning

Q3. The Gillette Sensitive portfolio (pictured below)
“combines outstanding shaving performance and comfort to address the
significant unmet need of 70% of men who say they have sensitive skin.” What is
the point of difference in this positioning statement?

  • Other
  • Outstanding
    shaving performance and comfort
  • Men
    with sensitive skin

Q4. In Nike’s brand mantra “Authentic Athletic Performance,”
which of the three words is the emotional modifier?

  • Authentic
  • Performance
  • Athletic

Q5. Disney, started by brothers Roy and Walt Disney, is one
of the world’s most famous mass media 
corporations. What type of name is Disney?

  • Invented
  • Surname
  • Metaphor
  • Blended

Q6. In Professor Kahn’s lectures, she discussed the two axes
of color. What were the two axes?

  • Brightness
    & Warmth
  • Familiarity
    & Excitement
  • Arousal
    & Affect

Q7. Which color is most preferred by men and is known to
curb appetite?

Q8. A lot of designer clothing companies will send free
clothes to celebrities with hopes that the celebrities will wear their clothing
in public and attract more customers to the brand. What mode of endorsement are
these clothing companies trying to achieve?

  • Co-present
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Imperative

Q9. The image below, which displays Nivea’s packaging since
1963, is an example of the ____________, which is when companies use tiny
little tweaks to make sure their packaging and brand stay modern.

  • Consumer
    packaged goods modernization theory
  • Butterfly
  • Just-noticeable

Q10. Due to massive customer heterogeneity, Professor Fader
would say there’s more opportunity to “move the needle” via ___________ than

  • Retention;
  • Retention;
  • Acquisition;
  • Development;

Q11. Tesco and Harrahs rose to prominence in their
industries by exploiting which “crack in product centricity”?

  • Globalization
  • Customer-level
  • Innovation
  • Commoditization

Q12. In a customer-centric approach, which customers should
you be most concerned with?

  • The
    customers that are likely to be most valuable
  • The
    customers that have historically been most valuable
  • The
    customers who are most engaged with your products/services
  • The
    customers with the greatest degree of social influence

Q13. When Joe was working in finance, he bought all of his
suits at Macy’s, a department store. Once Macy’s finds out about Joe’s plans to
return to business school, what customer-centric approach would Professor Fader
recommend that Macy’s takes with Joe?

  • Invite
    Joe into a VIP customer loyalty program once he graduates from school
  • Give
    him incentives to refer his friends to Macy’s
  • Send
    a thank-you note to Joe to thank him for shopping at Macy’s for so many
  • Show
    Joe that he’s still important to them by extending a store discount to him
    that will apply during his time as a student

Q14. Customer centricity requires zooming in on your
important customers. As you do so, which of the following strategies do you
want to focus on?

  • Try
    to turn all of the less valuable customers into highly valuable ones
  • Try
    to treat all of your customers equally well
  • Keep
    the less valuable customers because they provide stability and robustness
    to your customer mix
  • Drop
    the least valuable customers, so you can focus your resources on your most
    valuable customers

Q15. Sometimes at the hair salon, the receptionist will ask
if you also want to get a manicure while you’re there. What is this an example

  • Up-selling
  • Customer
    needs assessment
  • Customer
    referral program
  • Cross-selling

Q16. In a product-centric company, rewards would be measured
on metrics like all of the following EXCEPT:

  • Percentage
    of revenue from products less than two years old
  • Number
    of new products
  • Market
  • Share
    of wallet

Q17. In a customer-centric company, sales bias is on the
side of the ____________ in a transaction.

  • Seller
  • Buyer
  • Broker
  • Ultimate

Q18. The thought process for a ________-centric company is
“How many possible uses of this product?” The thought process for a
________-centric company is “What combination of products is best for this

  • Customer;
  • Customer;
  • Product;
  • Product;

Q19. Which of the following is NOT an example of basic
analytics for pricing decisions?

  • Incremental
    Expenditures Analysis
  • Economic
    Value to the Customer
  • Break-Even
  • Margin/Contribution

Q20. Gloria owns a 100-acre property that needs to be mowed
every week. Christopher mows the property for her at the cost of $20 per acre.
John wants to mow Gloria’s lawn instead. According to Professor Raju’s analysis
of Economic Value to the Customer, what price should John charge to persuade
Gloria to hire him instead of Christopher? in switching her landscaper?

  • Exactly
  • Less
    than $2000
  • Exactly
  • More
    than $2000

Q21. John decides to charge a flat fee of $2000 for mowing
any sized property. According to Professor Raju’s analysis of Economic Value to
the Customer, who would be willing to pay more for John’s services than

  • Don,
    who has a 50-acre property
  • Betsy,
    who owns a mower
  • Carol,
    who lives in an area where property taxes are lower
  • Alan,
    who has a 200-acre property

Q22. Which of the following is NOT a product that has
predominantly digital attributes?

  • A
    pair of socks you have purchased before
  • A
    printer cartridge
  • A
  • A
    new pair of running shoes

Q23. Horizontal Conflict is when there is conflict between
_____ while Vertical Conflict is when there is conflict between _____.

  • Manufacturer
    and Retailer / Retailers
  • Retailers
    / Manufacturer and Retailer
  • Retailers
    / Manufacturer and Customer
  • Manufacturer
    and Retailer / Retailer and Customer

Q24. Which of the following is a non-digital attribute?

  • Price
  • Delivery
  • The
    fit of a pair of shoes
  • Length
    of a book

Q25. According to Professor’s Bell lecture, changing which
of the following had the greatest impact on operating profits?

  • Price
  • Volume
  • Fixed
  • Variable

Q26. Which of the following best represents the idea of
price elasticity?

  • If
    I drop the price by 1%, by how much does demand drop?
  • If
    I drop volumes by 10%, by how much does the price adjust?
  • If
    I raise the price by 1%, by how much does demand drop?
  • If
    I raise volumes by 10%, by how much does the price adjust?

Q27. Which of the following is NOT one of the four inputs to
the pricing process?

  • Distributor
  • Marginal
  • Willingness
    to pay
  • Competitive
  • Marginal

Q28. Which of the following is not one of the 7Ms?

  • Message
  • Message
  • Money
  • Media
  • Market
  • Motivation
  • Mission
  • Measurement

Q29. Toys “R” Us is the name of a major retailer that sells
toys and other kids products. 

What type of name is Toys “R” Us?

  • Metaphor
  • Descriptive
  • Invented
  • Arbitrary
  • Blended
  • Surname
  • Altered

Q30. Under the Elaboration Likelihood Model, a firm should
only use central routing in their marketing messaging if customers have:

  • The
    motivation to elaborate and the ability to elaborate.
  • The
    motivation to elaborate but NO ability to elaborate.
  • NO
    motivation to elaborate and NO ability to elaborate.
  • The
    ability to elaborate but NO motivation to elaborate.

Q31. The tagline for Disneyland is “The Happiest Place on
Earth.” What type of tagline is this?

  • Superlative
  • Provocative
  • Imperative
  • Clever
  • Descriptive

Q32. In relation to the Elaboration Likelihood Model,
Professor Kahn discussed the peripheral cues that people use to accept or
reject messages. Which of the following is NOT one of the peripheral cues that
she mentioned?

  • Social
  • Authority
  • Consistency
  • Classic
  • Liking
  • Reciprocity
  • Scarcity
  • Logic

Q33. If a company has used a celebrity endorsement in an
“imperative mode,” what message is the celebrity conveying?

  • “I
    endorse this product.”
  • “You
    should use this product.”
  • “I
    use this product.”
  • “Everyone
    uses this product.”

Q34. In her lecture, Professor Kahn discussed how difficult
it was for Oldsmobile to reposition its automobiles among younger consumers.
Perhaps they could have tried to evolve the Oldsmobile brand more gradually.
All of the following are ways to evolve brands more gradually except for:

  • Symbols:
    updating symbols can provide updates without changing meanings..
  • Announcements:
    explaining to your customers that the brand will now be focusing on a
    different customer segment.
  • New
    products, which can be true to the core identity but add modern,
    innovative elements.
  • Slogans,
    which are easier to change than names.
  • Update
    the brand name to reflect evolving identities.

Q35. How do you calculate Price Elasticity?

  • By
    dividing the percentage of Change in Price by absolute manufacturing costs
  • By
    dividing the percentage of Change in Price by the percentage of Change in
  • By
    dividing the percentage of  Change in Demand by the percentage of
    Change in Price
  • By
    dividing the percentage of Change in Demand by gross profits

Q36. What are customer-centric companies required to do?

  • Be
    willing and able to change their organizational design, performance
    metrics and incentive structures to focus on creating long-run customer
  • No
    significant organizational changes are necessary: they just have to adopt
    a customer-centric approach.
  • Be
    willing and able to change their organizational design and performance
    metrics to focus on creating long-run customer value. Changing incentive
    structures is not necessary.
  • Be
    willing and able to change their performance metrics and incentive
    structures to focus on creating long-run customer value. Changing
    organizational design is not necessary.

Q37. What do the acronyms of the AIDA Model stand for?

  • Analysis,
    Implementation, Design, Achievement
  • Action,
    Imagination, Design, Attention
  • Attention,
    Interest, Desire, Action
  • Attention,
    Interest, Design, Action

Q38. What is the definition of the Endowment Effect?

  • A
    sense of ownership increases a customer’s willingness to pay
  • Consumers
    are more likely to purchase a product priced at $19.99 than $20
  • Buyers
    compare the current price with a reference price
  • Consumers
    react to prices in percentage terms as opposed to absolutes

Q39. Understanding the process of perception is critical to
understanding branding because:

  • Brand
    names change people’s perceptions of products regardless of the quality of
    the product
  • The
    proximity bias means that people assume that things that are close to each
    other must belong together
  • All
    answers are correct
  • No
    answers are correct
  • Perceptions
    affect subsequent behavior
  • Similarity
    bias means people assume that things that look alike must have the same

Q40. Which of the following factors does NOT reduce price

  • Separation
    between the buyer and the payer
  • When
    the user cannot differentiate between differences in quality
  • Separation
    in time between the point of purchase and the time of payment
  • Ease
    of comparison


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