Introduction to Psychology All Quiz Answers


Introduction to Psychology complete course is currently being offered by Yale University through Coursera platform and is being taught by Paul Bloom.

About this Course

What are people most afraid of? What do our dreams mean? Are we natural-born racists? What makes us happy? What are the causes and cures of mental illness? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior.

It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, persuasion, emotions, and social behavior. 

We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury.


  • Reasoning
  • Problem Solving
  • Abstract thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Critical Thinking

Introduction to Psychology All Quiz Answers - Coursera!

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Week 1 Quiz Answers: Foundation

Q1. After a terrible accident in which a spike went through
his brain, Phineas Gage had severe damage to his brain, including his frontal
lobe. As a result, what happened to him?

  • He
    lost the ability to produce language.
  • He
    retained motor control over only half of his body.
  • He
    was unable to recognize common objects
  • He
    exhibited significant personality changes.

Q2. The threshold level for a neuron to fire is a 10. What
will happen if the stimulus to the neuron is 8?

  • The
    neuron will fire, but only at 80% strength.
  • The
    neuron will not fire at all Incorrect

Q3. On the somatosensory homunculus, which of the following
parts would be the largest?

Q4. A split-brain patient is presented with two images: a
key is presented on her left side, and a ring is presented on her right side.
The patient is asked to report what she sees. How will she respond?

  • The
    patient will say ‘key’ because the left hemisphere “sees” the key
  • The
    patient will say ‘key’ because the right hemisphere “sees” the key
  • The
    patient will say ‘ring’ because the left hemisphere “sees” the ring
  • The
    patient will say ‘ring’ because the right hemisphere “sees” the ring

Q5. Which of the following is not a major
premise of Freudian theory?

  • The
    importance of the unconscious
  • The
    importance of early experiences
  • The
    importance of self-esteem
  • The
    importance of sexuality

Q6. According to psychoanalytic theory, which part of the
mind corresponds to consciousness?

  • The
  • The
  • The
  • The

Q7.Karl Popper argued that Freud’s theories are not
scientific because they lack which of the following?

  • insight
  • applicability
  • falsifiability
  • replicability

Q8. Which of the predictions of Freudian theory has held up
best over time?

  • the
    origins of oral and anal personality characteristics
  • the
    existence of unconscious mechanisms
  • the
    association between toilet training and later sexual preferences
  • the
    idea that psychoanalysis is the most effective method of treatment

Q9. After living there for a while, Jan no longer notices
the sound of the air conditioner at her apartment. This is an example of:

  • classical
  • operant
  • habituation
  • discrimination

Q10. True or False: Classical conditioning
is the most effective when the CS (or conditioned stimulus) comes immediately
before the UCS (or unconditioned stimulus)

Q11. Kelly’s father really annoys her by complaining about
Kelly’s messy room, but he stops complaining when she starts to clean.

Which technique has her father used to maker her clean?

  • positive
  • positive
  • negative

Q12. A local radio station gives away concert tickets at
random times everyday to reward listeners.

What schedule of reinforcement are they using?

  • fixed
  • variable
  • fixed
  • variable

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Week 2 Quiz Answers: Development and language

Q1. Infants really enjoy peek-a-boo –– the game where
parents hide their face with their hand and then suddenly remove their hands
from their face and say, “peek-a-boo!”

For Piaget, this would be a good example of how infants

  • reversibility
  • theory
    of mind
  • object
  • centration
  • conservation

Q2. The three mountains task examines the development of:

  • egocentrism
  • environmentalism
  • reflexes
  • accommodation
  • none
    of the above

Q3. Current research shows that children generally acquire
many of the abilities described by Piaget:

  • earlier
    than Piaget suggested
  • at
    the same time Piaget suggested
  • later
    than Piaget suggested

Q4. In lecture, Professor Bloom discussed a study where
infants view a possible event (a solid screen obscuring a solid object) and an
impossible event (a solid screen passing through a solid object). In contrast
to Piaget’s conclusion regarding the age at which physical principles are
understood, this study found that infants looked:

  • longer
    at the impossible than the possible event
  • longer
    at the possible than the impossible event
  • about
    equally long at both events
  • for
    the object and tried to retrieve it in both conditions

Q5. Mom puts her car keys in a kitchen drawer before she
leaves to take the trash outside. While mom is gone, her older daughter (who
has an odd sense of humor) hides her keys in the refrigerator. Where will Mom
look for her keys when she gets back? How will different people answer this

  • someone
    with autism will often say, “the refrigerator”
  • a
    3-year-old will usually say, “the refrigerator”
  • a
    10-year-old will usually say, “the refrigerator”
  • (a)
    and (b) are both correct
  • (a)
    and (b) and (c) are all correct

Q6. How many morphemes are contained in the word “monster”:

Q7. In which of these domains do babies show more
sensitivity than adults:

  • phonology
  • morphology
  • syntax
  • recursion

Q8. True or false: Babies learning sign language are delayed
compared to babies learning spoken language because they do not go through the
stage of babbling

Q9. Who among the following is the most likely to learn to
speak a new language just as fluently as a native speaker?

  • a
    10-month-old baby
  • a
    10-year-old child
  • a
    very motivated adult
  • (a)
    and (b) are both correct
  • (a)
    and (b) and (c) are all correct

Q10. According to Professor Bloom’s lecture, which of the
following established research finding(s) provide(s) evidence that language may
not be necessary for abstract thought?

  • individuals
    with certain language aphasias understand false beliefs
  • nonverbal
    infants understand false beliefs on non-verbal measures
  • nonverbal
    infants understand basic mathematical concepts, such as 1+1=2
  • all
    of the above

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Week 3 Quiz Answers: Cognition

Q1. The “problem of perception” is best characterized as:

  • understanding
    how the brain can attend to a variety of stimuli non-consciously
  • understanding
    how humans can see, whereas some other animals cannot
  • making
    sense of a 3-D world from 2-D data

Q2. Professor Bloom discusses an example where two squares
appear different colors although they are the same. What is the explanation for
this bias?

  • our
    brain compensates when we see two squares far away from one another
  • our
    brain fails to account for colors that change rapidly
  • our
    brain adjusts for changes of color when objects move very quickly
  • none
    of the above

Q3. Which of the following is not an example of a perceptual
grouping rule that we use to impose order on incoming sensations?

  • similarity
  • closure
  • ambiguity
  • proximity

Q4. Which of the following is not used as a depth cue by the
visual system?

  • size
  • priming
  • interposition
  • distance

Q5. Very roughly, why do the horizontal lines in the
Muller-Lyer illusion (depicted below) appear to be different lengths?

  • because
    of Depth cues
  • because
    of Gestalt principles
  • because
    of Top-down influences on the perception of shadows

Q6. True or false: In a Stroop task, people are slower to
identify the color of the word “Blue” when it is printed in blue ink than when
it is in red ink.

Q7. Knowing how to ride a bicycle is an example of which of
the following types of memory?

  • procedural
  • implicit
  • long-term
  • all
    of the above

Q8. Essay questions tend to be more difficult than multiple
choice because with essay questions:

  • there
    are more cues to stimulate memory
  • recall
    is required rather than recognition
  • there
    is more maintenance rehearsal

Q9. Approximately how large is the average person’s
short-term memory for lists of numbers:

  • 7
  • 7
  • 11
  • 11

Q10. What is the capacity of long-term memory

  • approximately
    7 items
  • approximately
    10,000 to 15,000 items
  • approximately
    100,000 items
  • the
    capacity limit is unknown

Q11. Which of the following is the least effective strategy
for encoding information into long-term memory?

  • relating
    new information to information already in memory
  • mentally
    repeating new information
  • structuring
    the information using mnemonics

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Quiz Answers – Week 4: Self and Others

Q1. Ultimate causation refers to:

  • what
    a creature wants or desires
  • the
    reason something has evolved
  • the
    immediate factors underlying a behavior

Q2. True or false: Paul Ekman argues that basic emotion
expressions are universal across cultures:

Q3. Harlow’s studies of baby monkeys with artificial mothers
that were made out of either wire or cloth provide support for

  • Bowlby’s
    innate theory of attachment
  • Skinner’s
    cupboard theory of attachment
  • Ekman’s
    theory of reciprocal altruism
  • Triver’s
    theory of reciprocal altruism

Q4. Suppose we are playing the Prisoner’s Dilemma game over
multiple trials, and I am using the Tit-for-Tat strategy. After playing for a while,
you defect and I cooperate. What do I do on the next move?

  • defect
  • cooperate
  • behave

Q5. John and Sarah are playing a game in which John is given
$10 and can offer Sarah part of his $10. If Sarah accepts his offer, they both
keep the money. If she rejects his offer, they both get nothing. The game is
known as the:

  • Prisoner’s
  • Ultimatum
  • Dictator
  • Tit-for-Tat

Q6. In “cultures of honor,” you’ll most likely find:

  • men
    show high overall levels of violence
  • resources
    that are easily protected
  • opposition
    to capital punishment
  • strong
    defense of one’s reputation

Q7. In an episode of the Simpson’s, Homer Simpson had to
wear a pink shirt to work while everyone else wore white shirts. He ___________ wearing
the pink shirt because a phenomenon studied by social psychologists
called ___________.

  • liked,
    the spotlight effect
  • disliked,
    the spotlight effect
  • liked,
    attentional focus
  • dislike,
    attentional focus

Q8. Melissa and Mike had to wait in line for over an hour to
get into an exclusive restaurant. Despite being served a mediocre meal, they
glowingly praised the restaurant to their friends. This behavior was probably a
result of:

  • the
    spotlight effect
  • the
    norm of reciprocity
  • perceptual
  • cognitive

Q9. Brittany says, “I’m majoring in finance because my
parents expect me to join the family business when I graduate, but my friend
Abigail is majoring in finance because she’s materialistic.” Brittany’s
statement illustrates:

  • the
    self-fulfilling prophecy
  • the
    fundamental attribution error
  • cognitive
  • unconscious

Q10. A teacher is told that a student is exceptionally
bright. Because of the Pygmalion effect, the student is more likely to:

  • be
    bullied by other students
  • perform
    poorly in school
  • succeed
    in school
  • cause
    trouble in class

Q11. The mere exposure effect refers to:

  • the
    tendency to become bored after repeated exposure to something
  • the
    tendency to like something more after repeated exposure
  • the
    tendency to be attracted to someone who exposes more of their skin
  • the
    ability to better remember faces after repeated exposure

Q12. Which of the following statements about stereotypes is

  • stereotypes
    can be a useful way of categorizing groups
  • stereotyped
    individuals often behave in ways that confirm the stereotype
  • stereotypes
    can sometimes be positive and accurate
  • stereotypes
    are necessarily based on personal experience with individuals, not on
    sources such as television and movies

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Quiz Answers – Week 5: Variation

Q1. When assessing measures of personality, it is important
to consider which two factors:

  • reliability
    and validity
  • reliability
    and flow
  • difficulty
    and expertise
  • difficulty
    and reliability

Q2. Which of the following is true of the 5-factor model of personality?

  • observers
    generally agree on people’s personalities
  • it
    predicts people’s behavior
  • it
    remains relatively stable across a lifetime
  • all
    of the above
  • (a)
    and (b) only

Q3. IQ tests are typically made up of several sub-tests.
According to Spearman’s two-factor of intelligence, which of the following is

  • The
    ‘g’ factor explains the similarities among sub-tests, while the ‘s’ factor
    explains the differences
  • The
    ‘g’ factor explains the differences among sub-tests, while the ‘s’ factor
    explains the similarities
  • both
    ‘g’ and ‘s’ explain the similarities among sub-tests
  • both
    ‘g’ and ‘s’ explain the differences among subtests

Q4. True or false: If there is high heritability among
individuals within a group, that means that group differences are probably also
due to genetic factors.

Q5. The Flynn effect refers to the growth in absolute
intelligence over the last few generations. What does the Flynn effect tell us
about intelligence:

  • it
    shows that genetic factors have a significant influence on intelligence
  • it
    shows that environmental factors have a significant influence on
  • both
    of the above

Q6. True or false: For most traits, shared environment
contributes more than non-shared environment.

Q7. Which of the following is not a formal type of

  • dissociative
  • catatonic
  • disorganized
  • paranoid

Q8. Which of the following is a negative symptom of

  • hallucinations
  • delusions
  • disorganized
  • flat
  • all
    of the above

Q9. Major Depressive Disorder is defined as persistent,
marked depressed mood (coupled with other cognitive and physical symptoms) the
must last at least:

  • two
  • two
  • two
  • two

Q10. True or false: The neurotransmitter serotonin has been
linked to depression

Q11. Which of the following is not a personality disorder in
the DSM:

  • histrionic
    personality disorder
  • narcissistic
    personality disorder
  • anxious
    personality disorder
  • borderline
    personality disorder

Q12. Free association is used in what type of therapy:

  • cognitive
  • behavioral
  • cognitive
    behavioral therapy
  • psychodynamic

Introduction to Psychology Coursera Quiz Answers – Week 6: Happiness

Q1. True or false: Richer countries tend to
have happier people

Q2. Which of these events almost always leads to a long-term
increase in self-reported happiness:

  • winning
    the lottery
  • having
    your body paralyzed
  • gaining
    tenure as a professor
  • none
    of the above

Q3. Adaptation does not occur for which of
the following:

  • grades
  • noises
  • money
  • paralysis

Q4. True or false: According to Dan
Gilbert, when you think about how you’ll feel when you do well in this online
course, you will probably pretty accurate.

Q5. Based on the lecture, what is true about money and

  • on
    average, people living in rich countries are happier than those living in
    poor countries
  • on
    average, rich people in a country are happier than poor people living in
    the same country.
  • (a)
    and (b) are true
  • none
    of the above

Q6. You are writing an essay. It has one really good part,
but the rest is awful. According to the work of Khaneman, if you want to get
the best possible grade on the essay, you should put the good part at the:


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