Lolly Crush Quiz Answers – Video Quiz Star!


Video Quiz Star is an extremely popular quiz site where players are presented with various questions and users must answer them correctly in order to get free rewards.

Therefore, Lolly Crush Quiz Answers of Video Quiz Star are given in this article to help you achieve a score not less than 100%.
Lolly Crush Quiz Answers – Video Quiz Star!
Q1: Lollipops come in all kinds of flavors. How many identical pairs of lollipops can you see here?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: Two

Q2: Hope you have a sweet tooth and an eagle-eye. How many round orange and white striped lollipops are in this smorgasbord of confections?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: Three

Q2 Alt: Hope you have a sweet tooth and an eagle-eye. How many heart shaped candies are in this smorgasbord confections?

Correct Answer: Eleven

Q2 Alt: Hope you have a sweet tooth and an eagle-eye. How many purple candies are in this smorgasbord of confections?

Correct Answer: One

Q3: Time for a little lolly-logic. Which lollipop would come next in the sequence?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q4: Let’s try another one. Which lollipop comes next in this sequence?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q5: Which piece of candy does not have a silhouette on the shelf?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q6: Looks like your lollipop has broken into pieces. Put these pieces in order to make the lollipop whole again by matching the numbers to the letters.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


  • A1, B3, C2
  • A2, B1, C3
  • A1, B2, C3
  • A3, B2, C1

Correct Answer: A1, B2, C3

Q7: How many lollipops can you see in this candy wonderland? Type your answer below.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer: 8

Q8: Try this tasty puzzle. Which figure is identical to the main image on the left?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: C

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer: 20%

Correct Answer: 50%

Correct Answer: 30%

Q10: Have a go at this logic puzzle. Which box of candies comes next?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q11: Which box of candies is identical to the main image on the left?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: B

Q12: Three candy jars are placed in a line – red, yellow, green – but not in this particular order. Until recently, the green jar had twice as many candies as yellow. Then you gave away 5 candies from the left-side jar. Then you moved half the remaining candies from the left-side jar, placing them in the red jar. Which color is the left-side jar?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: Yellow

Q13: Which is the top view of this lollipop?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q14: How about a quick Sudoku? We’ve replaced the numbers with candy icons. This one’s already half filled. Can you tell us which icon does not fit?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Q15: How about this sweet sweet math problem. Can you work out the value of the bon-bon? Type your answer below.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer: 4

Q16: Can you solve this brainteaser? Which number should replace the question mark? Type your answer below.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer: 9

Q17: Which number goes where the question mark is? Type your answer below.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer: 411

Q18: Look at the grid – the sum of each row and column of symbols is given. Can you work out the value of the bon-bon?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


Correct Answer: 3

Q18 Alt: Look at the grid – the sum of each row and column of symbols is given. Can you work out the value of the yellow candy?

Correct Answer: 4

Q18 Alt: Look at the grid – the sum of each row and column of symbols is given. Can you work out the value of the blue heart shaped candy is?

Correct Answer: 5

Q19: Which two pieces fit together to make the original image?

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]


  • B and D
  • A and C
  • C and D
  • A and D

Correct Answer: A and C

Q20: Look closely at this mesmerizing candy and you’ll see a pattern emerge. Which colored dot and overlaid compass combination should go where the question mark is? Hint: Begin from the red spot in the inner circle and work clock-wise; then start again at the red dot at the top of outer-ring.

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

Correct Answer:

Lolly Crush Quiz Answers [100% Score]

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