The Curse Quiz 2 Answers – Quizzes to Answers


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Q 1. You need to find your missing sister Martha. The last place she was seen was in a hotel. Look at the clues on her desk to find out the name of the hotel.

Sea Star Homestay
Harbor Inn
Ocean Harborview
Higgins Beach Hotel

Right Answer:
Harbor Inn

Q 2. The hotel can only be reached by train and is located at station ‘Spring Harbor’. Take a look at the timetable. The red dot indicates your position. How often do you have to change altogether?

3 times
Not at all

Right Answer:

Q 3. The hotel is dark and weird. You appear to be the only guest. At the reception desk, you find out that Martha stayed in the southeast room. To get the key, you have to find the room number on the map:

Room 1
Room 2
Room 6
Room 7

Right Answer:
Room 7

Q 4. You’re looking into a mirror in the hallway. In which direction do you have to turn to get to Martha’s room?

Straight ahead

Right Answer:

Q 5. In the hotel room, you find Martha’s hurriedly packed suitcase, but your sister is nowhere to be seen. You notice a VHS tape, labelled “CURSE” in Martha’s handwriting. Luckily, there’s an old TV set with a VCR. Watch the video for the next clue. Where do you have to go next?

To the church
To the hospital
To the Spring Harbor Museum
Into the woods

Right Answer:
Into the woods

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