True or False: Disgusting Food Quiz Answers 100% Score

True or False: Disgusting Food Quiz Answers 100% Score


True or False: Disgusting Food Quiz Answers from Video Facts 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.

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Q 1. Fermented cheese containing insect larvae is considered an aphrodisiac and a delicacy in some cultures.


  • True, and it’s traditional to eat the maggots while they’re alive
  • False, that is rudely disgusting and certainly inhumane
  • True, but it’s only served at funerals or wakes, so not really an aphrodisiac
  • False, only fruits and vegetables have larvae that are edible

True, and it’s traditional to eat the maggots while they’re alive

Q 2. The dish pictured here is of a duck embryo that is eaten with the eggshell and all.


  • True, the shell is considered to have health benefits
  • False, Balut is the embryo of a chicken
  • False, the eggshell is only used as a container for the edible embryo
  • True, and the tradition started with Filipino royalty

False, the eggshell is only used as a container for the edible embryo

Q 3. This African dish is ceremonially served with a blistering hot curry sauce.


  • True, capturing, and consuming Guinea pigs is welcomed due to overpopulation
  • False, this is clearly a South American dish
  • True, but it’s mostly fat and grizzle so there is no real nutritional value
  • False, the traditional sauce is a sour mustard

False, this is clearly a South American dish

Q 4. A deep-fried tarantula was once served by Chef Gordon Ramsay to the Queen of England and her distinguished guests.


  • True, she thought it tasted even better deep-fried chips
  • False, Chef Ramsay has notoriously detested novelty foods
  • True, even her great grandson Charles took a bite
  • False, but he did eat tarantula in Cambodia

False, but he did eat tarantula in Cambodia

Q 5. This exotic snack is surprisingly tasty. Some cultures even grind them up into a powder to use as baby food.


  • False, but its meat is made of 50% protein
  • True, and you can eat them claws and all
  • True, even A-list celebrities have made this a trendy food
  • False, they are not grounded up, but chopped up and added to the formula

False, but its meat is made of 50% protein

Q 6. This disgusting looking dish consists of bird eggs that have been preserved in a mixture of clay, salt, and rice hulls for over 50 years.


  • True, they’re often served with black vinegar or tofu
  • True, it was a favorite of Genghis Kahn
  • False, the eggs must come from a snake
  • False, it only takes four to five weeks to preserve

False, it only takes four to five weeks to preserve

Q 7. This oddball juice is said to combat headaches after a long night out on the town.


  • False, this is not a real beverage
  • True, pickled sheep’s eye in tomato juice is a Mongolian specialty
  • False, it combats intestine and liver infections
  • True, but that’s not tomato juice…

True, pickled sheep’s eye in tomato juice is a Mongolian specialty

Q 8. Hmm, nothing like some grub protein for your diet. These critters make up 65% of the diet of Aborigines of Western Australian.


  • False, their diet consists of more substantial animals
  • True, the grubs are painstakingly handpicked over several hours
  • True, the grub is closely related to the dung beetle
  • False, but they have the protein equivalent of a 6oz. steak

False, their diet consists of more substantial animals

Q 9. Recipients of this dish are also treated to a show as they watch their meal flop around on the plate shortly after it has served.


  • False, once the arms of the octopus are severed from its head, they’re lifeless
  • True, the tentacles’ nerves are still active after it has been served
  • False, every chef is rigorously trained to remove the nerve centers before serving
  • True, and it’s considered to be the most tender in its raw state

True, the tentacles’ nerves are still active after it has been served

Q 10. This “fowl” cuisine is said to be quite tasty by many cultures, but unfortunately its nutrient value is proportional to a bag potato chips or crisps.


  • True, they’re sold in bags on the streets of China
  • False, they are only served to livestock
  • True, but it is considered taboo to serve alongside eggs
  • False, but it is tasty and contains many vitamins and minerals

False, but it is tasty and contains many vitamins and minerals


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