US Citizenship Quiz Answers 100% Score Quiz Factory
1. What is the day called that Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
- Independence day
- Christmas Day
Right Answer: Independence day
2. What is the title of America’s national anthem?
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- God Save the Queen
Right Answer: The Star-Spangled Banner
3. What is the name given to the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution?
- The Bill of Rights
- The Bill of Sale
Right Answer: The Bill of Rights
4. Who was the first president of the United States of America?
- George Washington
- Bruce Lee
Right Answer: George Washington
5. What is written at the beginning of the Constitution?
- We the people
- We know their truths
Right Answer: We the people
6. In the First Amendment there is one right/freedom that is guaranteed, what is it?
- Religion
- Voting
Right Answer: Religion
7. Why is there 13 stripes on the U.S flag?
- To represent the 13 original colonies
- 13 is Taylor Swift’s lucky number
8. What is the name of the highest court in the United States?
- The Supreme Court
- The Super Important Court
Right Answer: The Supreme Court
9. What is the date of the final day on which you can send in federal tax forms?
- April 15th
- May 20th
10. Where in the United States is the Statue of Liberty found?
- New York City
- California
Right Answer: New York City
11. What is the capital of the United States?
- New Jersey
- Washington, DC
Right Answer: Washington, DC
12. What was the name of the piece of territory that the United States brought from France in 1803?
- Louisiana Territory
- French Territory
Right Answer: Louisiana Territory
- There is no limit
- 4 times
Right Answer: There is no limit
- George Washington
- Alexander Hamilton
Right Answer: George Washington
- The Civil War
- The War of Independence
Right Answer: The Civil War
16. In a situation where the President and the Vice President cannot serve, who is elected as president?
- Whoever the people want
- The Speaker of the House
Right Answer: The Speaker of the House
17. One of these was not one of the original 13 colonies, which one is it?
- California
- New Hampshire
Right Answer: California
18. Which of these is included in the Bill of Rights?
- The right to bear arms
- The right to vote
Right Answer: The right to bear arms
19. Who wrote the original Declaration of Independence
- Thomas Jefferson
- Alexander Hamilton
Right Answer: Thomas Jefferson
20. How many active members are there in the House of Representatives?
- 435
- 20
Right Answer: 435
21. Which of these two is not one of the major branches of government?
- Media
- Legislative
Right Answer: Media
- Understands the law
- Declares independence
Right Answer: Understands the law
23. Which of these two is considered not to be a national U.S holiday?
- Independence Day
- Boxing Day
Right Answer: Boxing Day
24. Who is the acting Chief of Justice at the moment?
- John Roberts
- Donald Trump
Right Answer: John Roberts
25. How long is a term?
- 6 Years
- 21 Years
Right Answer: 6 Years
26. Which out of the two is not a territory of the U.S?
- Greenland
- Puerto Rico
Right Answer: Greenland
- November
- May
28. Which one of these two states borders Mexico?
- California
- Boston
29. Which of these states borders Canada?
- North Dakota
- Iowa
- California
- Wisconsin
Right Answer: North Dakota
30. What was the name of the movement in the 1960s that fought against racial discrimination?
- Civil Rights Movement
- Independence Movement
Right Answer: Civil Rights Movement
31. In the U.S how old do you have to be to vote?
- 18
- 21
Right Answer: 18
32. When a U.S senator is elected, who do they represent?
- The President
- All people of a state
Right Answer: All people of a state
33. On what day do we celebrate Independence Day?
- 29th May
- 4th July
Right Answer: 4th July
34. How many years do U.S representatives stay in office for?
- 2
- 9
Right Answer: 2
35. Which war was fought by the U.S in the 1800s?
- The Anglo-Saxon War
- The Civil Wart
Right Answer: The Civil Wart
36. During World War I, who was the president?
- Woodrow Wilson
- George Washington
Right Answer: Woodrow Wilson
37. Who did the U.S fight against during the Second World War?
- Germany, Japan and Italy
- England and France
Right Answer: Germany, Japan and Italy
38. Who is given the title of the commander-in-chief of the US military
- The President
- The Vice President
Right Answer: The President
39. What is the name of the economic system in the United States?
- Capitalism
- Communism
Right Answer: Capitalism
- Smack yourself on the head
- Give up any loyalty to other countries
Right Answer: Smack yourself on the head
41. What is basic premise of the Declaration of Independence?
- All men are created equal
- To form a perfect union
Right Answer: All men are created equal
42. Some states have more representatives then others, why is this?
- It is done by population
- They were better states
Right Answer: It is done by population
- Missouri
- California
Right Answer: Missouri
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- George Washington
Right Answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt
45. The Federalist Papers supported a passage of the U.S Constitution. Can you name one of the writers who wrote this paper?
- Alexander Hamilton
- Tony Blair
Right Answer: Alexander Hamilton
46. What is declared as a right in the Declaration of Independence?
- The pursuit of happiness
- The right to bear fighting
Right Answer: The pursuit of happiness
47. The U.S flag has 50 stars, why is this?
- 50 is Donald Trump’s favourite number
- There are 50 states
Right Answer: There are 50 states
48. Can you name one purpose of the United Nations?
- To promote world peace
- To promote world wars
Right Answer: To promote world peace
49. There are many amendments to the Constitution, how many exactly?
- 27
- 20
Right Answer: 27
50. Wall Street is a very famous Street in the United States, but what is it most famous for?
- Great hamburgers
- For being the financial centre of America
Right Answer: For being the financial centre of America
51. The land known as North America had other occupants before the Europeans arrived, who were they?
- Native Americans
- Dinosaurs
Right Answer: Native Americans
52. Bills have to be signed before they become U.S law, who is it that signs them
- The President
- The Vice President
Right Answer: The President
53. In the U.S constitution what does ‘freedom of religion’ mean?
- Any religion goes
- All religions are banned
Right Answer: Any religion goes
54. How many U.S Senators are there?
- 100
- 5
Right Answer: 100
55. If the senate becomes deadlocked, who is able to cast the deciding vote?
- The Vice President
- The President
Right Answer: The Vice President
56. When we say the Pledge of Allegiance, what do we promise loyalty to?
- The United States and its flag
- The President
Right Answer: The United States and its flag
57. At what age must all men register for the Selective Service?
- 18
- 21
58. Which is officially recognised as a Native American tribe in the U.S?
- Seminole
- Mika
Right Answer: Seminole
59. What happened during the Constitutional Convention?
- The constitution was written
- A fight
Right Answer: The constitution was written